


Faith is the cornerstone of our nation, guiding us through challenges and triumphs alike. We believe that the principles of faith should be upheld in our government, schools, and public life. It’s not just about freedom of religion, but about ensuring that our Christian values are respected and protected. We stand firm in our commitment to defend the rights of believers to practice their faith openly and without fear of persecution. In a world that increasingly marginalizes people of faith, we need strong voices to ensure that America remains a nation under God.

Our dedication to faith is unwavering. We believe that our Judeo-Christian heritage is the bedrock upon which this great nation was built, and we are committed to preserving it for future generations. From protecting religious symbols in public spaces to supporting prayer in schools, we are on the front lines of defending the role of faith in American life. Together, we can ensure that the moral fabric of our society remains intact, guiding our policies and our way of life.


The family is the fundamental unit of our society, and it must be protected at all costs. We believe that strong families create strong communities, which in turn create a strong nation. Traditional family values—rooted in marriage between one man and one woman—are essential for raising children with a sense of responsibility, morality, and patriotism. We support policies that strengthen families, such as parental rights in education and measures that protect the sanctity of marriage.

Our commitment to the family extends beyond rhetoric; it’s at the heart of everything we do. We know that when families thrive, America thrives. That’s why we stand against policies that undermine the family unit, such as those that promote radical gender ideology or erode parental authority. By supporting the family, we are not just protecting our children—we are securing the future of our country.


We believe that life is sacred, from the moment of conception to natural death. The right to life is the most fundamental of all human rights, and it is our duty to protect the unborn and the vulnerable. We stand with those who advocate for the sanctity of life, opposing abortion and euthanasia in all forms. Our commitment is to ensure that every life is valued and protected under the law, reflecting the moral character of our nation.

Defending life is not just a policy position; it is a moral imperative. We support pro-life legislation, crisis pregnancy centers, and initiatives that provide alternatives to abortion. We believe that every child, born and unborn, has the right to live and be loved. By promoting a culture of life, we can build a society that respects human dignity and upholds the principles that make America great.

Second Amendment

The right to bear arms is a fundamental liberty enshrined in our Constitution. We believe that every law-abiding citizen has the right to defend themselves, their families, and their property. The Second Amendment is not just about hunting or sportsmanship; it is a safeguard against tyranny and a cornerstone of individual freedom. We stand with those who oppose gun control measures that infringe upon this essential right, and we are committed to defending the Second Amendment at every turn.

Our support for the Second Amendment is unwavering because we understand that it is the protector of all other rights. In a time when our freedoms are under constant attack, the ability to defend oneself is more important than ever. We support policies that ensure responsible gun ownership while opposing any efforts to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Taxation and Government Spending

We believe in limited government and fiscal responsibility. Excessive taxation and out-of-control government spending are threats to our prosperity and freedom. We stand for reducing the tax burden on hardworking Americans and cutting wasteful government programs. By advocating for lower taxes and a balanced budget, we are working to ensure that future generations inherit a nation of opportunity and not a mountain of debt.

Our approach to taxation and government spending is guided by common sense and a commitment to economic freedom. We believe that the best way to stimulate the economy is by allowing individuals and businesses to keep more of what they earn. Government should live within its means, just as American families do. By curbing government spending and reducing taxes, we can unleash the full potential of our economy and secure a brighter future for all Americans.


We believe that parents should have the primary say in their children’s education. The current education system has strayed too far from its purpose, focusing more on political indoctrination than on teaching basic skills and knowledge. We support school choice, homeschooling, and policies that put parents back in control of their children’s education. By empowering parents, we can ensure that our children receive an education that prepares them for the future and instills in them a love of country.

Education is the foundation of a free society, and it must be rooted in truth and excellence. We stand against the teaching of radical ideologies that undermine our nation’s values. Instead, we advocate for curricula that emphasize American history, civic responsibility, and the principles of freedom. We believe that with the right education, our children will grow up to be informed, responsible citizens who will carry forward the torch of liberty. Join us in the fight to reclaim our schools and restore educational excellence.


We believe that overregulation is stifling American innovation and economic growth. The burden of unnecessary government regulations falls hardest on small businesses, the backbone of our economy. We support policies that cut red tape, reduce bureaucratic overreach, and allow entrepreneurs to thrive. By rolling back excessive regulations, we can unleash the full potential of American ingenuity and ensure that our economy remains the strongest in the world.

Our commitment to deregulation is rooted in the belief that free markets, not government intervention, drive prosperity. We oppose regulations that infringe on individual freedoms, increase costs for consumers, and hinder job creation. By advocating for a smaller, more efficient government, we can create an environment where businesses of all sizes can grow and succeed. Together, we can remove the shackles of overregulation and pave the way for a new era of American prosperity.